”Mommy Loves Me” is a dramatic film which tells the story of a chronically homeless woman, LeAsia Sweat (Elle Blackwell), who is living on the […]
Worldwide cities try measures to ban homeless
Photo by Martijn Crowe In several cities all over the world, some measures are taken for remove homeless from the street. We are not talking […]
Can you picture yourself being homeless and living in a tent city?
That’s a frightening thought, but it is a looming possibility for more and more San Diegans as the economy gets worse for ordinary people. Ocean […]
The Bum Life
A documentary & book unveiling the truth of our nation’s homeless population. 23 cities, 23 homeless people and 1 man’s journey. As young children, we […]
Employed but still homeless, working poor say ‘Homelessness can happen to anybody’
By Jessica Hopper, Tim Sandler and Cristina Boado Rock Center Before the sun rises, Cindy and Patrick Kennard wake their three daughters, fold their cots […]
Portland Considers Controversial Plan to End Homelessness
Reported By: Tom Porter On any given night an estimated 660,000 Americans sleep on the street, or in homeless shelters. Here in Portland, that number […]
Public Life; or Living in Public
On any given night there are more than 600,000 homeless citizens of the United States who do not have indoor shelter. Most live in urban […]